Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Only One More Sleep Til Christmas!

The Muppet Christmas Carol is the pinnacle of Christmasy goodness. Where else can you get Michael Caine being all Scroogey, Kermit singing about Christmas Eve (only one more sleep!), a miniature Kermit (Tiny Tim) singing "Bless Us All", two miniature Miss Piggies dive-tackling Kermie, and the Great Gonzo (as Charles Dickens) and Rizzo the Rat narrating the whole thing?

Up here in the frozen north, there is a second-run movie theatre with tables in front of the seats and pizza/burritos/etc. served during the movie. Every year, the weekend before Christmas, they show a classic family Christmas movie and this year it was muppety goodness all the way. My whole family went, buying out two booths (thus facilitating a fabulous game of mid-movie peek-a-boo over the side of the booth with my baby niece). My favorite part? When the third ghost disappeared and my oldest nephew asked me, "When does the next ghost arrive?" I told him that was it. Only three. Now Scrooge gets a chance to be a good guy. He made a face. Ghosts are more fun than good guys, apparently. I couldn't help but smile - and agree with him wholeheartedly. I'd be a terrible Scrooge. If anyone ever told me I was going to be visited by three spirits, I'd probably say, "Only three?"

So I wish you all a Merry Christmas filled with spirits and the spirit of the season. After all there's only one more sleep til Chri-istmas.

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