Thursday, March 12, 2009


The Ghost Shrink, the Accidental Gigolo & the Poltergeist Accountant was selected as a Reviewer's Top Pick for February at ParaNormal Romance Reviews! How much does that rock?

And in other news, I have not yet managed to kill the Paperwhite bulbs on my desk. They are growing and flowering, if you'll believe it. My black thumb has not yet managed to send them to the terrifying flower hell which is the usual destination for all plants unlucky enough to live (and die) within a five foot radius of me. Woohoo! A good day, all the way around.


Vivant said...

Congrats Vivi!

First a Keeper Shelf designation from Mrs. Giggles, and now a Reviewer Top Pick from ParaNormal Romance Reviews.

Wow. I mean really, WOW!

Anonymous said...

It's like you are charmed.
