Thursday, October 16, 2008

An Embarrassment of Riches

Picket Fences finaled again!

In the OKRWA Finally a Bride contest this time. I actually feel a little sheepish, like finaling in a contest when you have a novella coming out is greedy. I'm still technically eligible since I'm unpublished in book-length, but should I be stepping aside to make room for the completely uncredentialed?

Maybe just one more. Picket Fences wasn't finished by the Golden Heart deadline last year, so it's never had a shot at that particular lottery. I can't deny my baby its shot, can I? Especially since this will hopefully (knock on wood) be my last year of GH eligibility...

So what's your opinion? Am I a bad person for limboing in under the published word limit for the GH? Or is it every man for himself, mercenary rules, contest warfare?


Kaye Chambers said...

Contests work! And everyone has an equal chance to win. Since the contest is blind, it's just the quality that counts!

HUGS and congrats on Picket Fences! I loved that story, btw.


Vivi Andrews said...

Kaye, aren't you the same person who told me the reason you didn't enter the GH last year was because you'd already won the Maggie & you didn't want to be greedy?

Anonymous said...

Be greedy. Be very, very greedy. You can never be too thin, too rich, or have too many certificates of achievement. Do it. Do it


Kaye Chambers said...

*cracks up*

Technically, I wasn't sure if I qualified for the GH for 2008 though I should have sent in the request to ask.

For 2009, I'm no longer eligible. *grins*

And ... I agree with Kelly. Do it. Do it now.
