Friday, January 10, 2014

Calling All Writers!

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, the fourth annual Ruby Winter Writing Festival is HERE!!!!  Can I get a woohooo?!  For the next seven weeks the Rubies and writers inclined to join us will be writing our fingers to the bone, fiercely piling up pages of brilliance, and doling out prizes with a wanton generosity that is really quite shocking.  (Shocking, I say!)

It all starts today!  Swing on over to the Ruby blog, announce your goals, set your point system, and then hie yourself (hie, dagnabbit!) on over to the Festival site ( where you can partake of the Writing Sprints in the chat room!  (Hosted by yours truly from 1-3pm EST today and every Tuesday and Thursday throughout the festival!)

I shall be stacking up words of unimaginable brilliance (aren't I humble?) on a book of a shifterly persuasion, but the festival is open to ALL. Romance and non, full-time-writers and first timers. If you've always wanted to write a book, but never had a crowd of eager Rubies cheering you on, NOW is the time.  If you have a work-in-progress that is half dog's breakfast after the frenzy of NaNo, the festival is the perfect opportunity for revisions and rewrites as you set your very own goals and points.

We are always particularly delighted to hear that some of our former participants have gone on to sell works created or inspired during the festival.  It's a frenzy of creative energy and if you are of the writerly persuasion, not to be missed.  In my humble opinion.  So go forth and don't miss it!

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