Tuesday, September 23, 2014

One Week Until Taming the Lion Arrives!!!

ONE week to go and TAMING THE LION will be HERE!!! Patch and Roman are gonna scratch and claw their way to HEA in just SEVEN DAYS!!! So how's about one more Teaser Tuesday‬ to tempt?
Roman hadn’t been a monk, but he’d always been discrete in his affairs—he’d had to be as the perennial betrothed of the pride princess.
Somehow banging the maid of honor three months before the wedding didn’t strike him as the height of discretion.
Not that he had much likelihood of getting into Patch’s pants, given the way she’d been hissing and snarling at him. Though if cougars were anything like lionesses that could be foreplay.
F*ck. He did not need to be thinking of his fiancĂ©’s best friend in terms of foreplay.

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