Friday, January 16, 2009

With a Little Help from my Friends

I got my first review for The Ghost Shrink, the Accidental Gigolo & the Poltergeist Accountant!!! Woohoo!

Now, for full disclosure's sake, the reviewer is a good friend of mine who had already told me that she liked my little story, but now she's saying it publicly. For all the world to see! Wahooo!

If you're interested in what the fabulous Ms. Kaye Chambers (Tiger by the Tail) has to say about Lucy, Jake, and my cast of lovelorn ghosts, check out today's Beyond the Veil blog.

You can also drop by Kaye's website, where she has been marvelous enough to do a guest blog-style feature for me this month.

I am giddy, ladies and gents. Giddy.

When there is more Ghost Shrink news, I will post it here, saving the links over there --> --> --> under "Ghost Shrink Buzz." Stay tuned!


Kate Diamond said...

Not long now before we get to read it! Hurray!

Also, I tagged you for a meme on my blog.

Anonymous said...

It takes a village.
