Stormy Wedding is a refreshing erotic romance, part of the new Branded line where love and marriage come before the steamy hotness, written with Kelli's delightful mix of frank hotness, honest emotion, and playful one-liners. Now, without further ado, I give you, Kelli Scott! Welcome, Kelli!
What inspired you to write your current release?
One of my pet peeves about romance novels is that the story ends when the marriage begins. As if there is no more love. No more romance. No more passion. When Ellora’s Cave announced their Branded line, which is erotic stories within a marriage, I was excited. I came up with a concept right away and dove into the deep end. The line gives me the opportunity to explore the developing sexual relationship of an emotionally, physically and legally committed couple.
If you could pick actors to play the hero & heroine in the movie of you current release, who would you cast?
The image on the cover of Stormy Wedding reminds me of a toned down version of Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, which I would not have pictured in the role of my hero and groom, Rory Callahan. Now that he’s there, I can’t imagine any other hero. He’s gorgeous, funny and did I say gorgeous?
Rachel McAllister, the bride is a feisty little firecracker with a mind of her own. When I imagine Rachel, I see pretty, wholesome Zooey Deschanel. Rachel doesn’t think she’s beautiful, desirable or sexy, but she is. She’s also funny.
If one of your characters came knocking on your door, how would you react?
Before knocking on my door, call first. This goes for my characters too. If I don’t answer the phone, leave a message. There’s a good chance my house will be a mess. There’s a better chance I’ll be a mess. Let’s pretend my hero and heroine called first. I clean the house, put something besides pajamas on and have some refreshments available. I’d love to see some wedding photos and hear about their honeymoon.
What is your favorite thing about being a writer?
I love to tell people I make a living on my back (cue dramatic pause) because I write in bed. Sounds naughty. In reality, I’m in my jammies, no makeup and there’s a dog curled up next to me. Another larger dog will be nearby on the floor. There’s nothing glamorous about it.
What do you think is the most romantic moment ever from a book or movie?
I love it when the hero is ready to die for the woman he loves or kill for her. Some examples of my favorite movies are The Last of the Mohicans, Die Hard, Terminator (yes, Terminator). So, that’s all. Whether the story is set in the past, present or future, the hero has to risk his life or freedom or whatever it is he holds dear, he must make a sacrifice for her, even if it means he will lose her. Piece of cake.
What’s next for you?
I’ve submitted a second story for the Branded line titled Wife Without Parole. We’ll have to wait and see about that. I’ve started a third and fourth erotic, and I’m toying with more ideas.
Thank you so much for joining us today, Kelli! Best wishes with Stormy Wedding and all your future books!
Thank you, Vivi for having me here for the release of Stormy Wedding. I have a question for all your loyal followers, fans and visitors. What was your special wedding day like? Was there a disaster or did your wedding come together seamlessly? If you’re not married, tell me about your dream wedding and I’ll enter you in my drawing for a goody bag of romantic fun. Stop by my blog anytime before February 14th for more chances to win.
Don't miss Kelli's new release from the brand new Branded line, Stormy Wedding.
Rachel McAllister tried to dissuade Rory Callahan’s interest—she’d been hurt by love too many times before—but Rory had been as relentless as a dog after a bone. She gave in, but made one thing perfectly clear from the start—no sex until she said, “I do.” If Rachel knew one thing about men, it was that you gave them what they wanted—sex—and they’d be out the door before the sun came up. Rory has passed all her tests and jumped through her hoops to prove his love. They’re ready to say, “I do”, and Rachel’s ready to erase any of Rory’s lingering regrets about waiting to have sex.
Rory fell head over heels for Rachel at first sight. Getting her to date him was another matter altogether. He’d followed all her rules and has barely even complained about her strict moral code. Now he’s going to marry her for better or worse. He’s about to find out his goody-two-shoes bride-to-be is a fiery vixen who’s too hot to handle.
Click to Read an Excerpt of Stormy Wedding or to Buy Your Copy.
Kelli, I have bought this book and can't wait to read it this weekend. I love the new Branded line from EC. Its refreshing to see stories written like this.
I'm so excited, Harlie! Let me know what you think. I really hope the Branded line stands the test of time. Husbands can be heros too.
Great interview, Kelli!
I had not seen the Branded line before. I'll be picking up Stormy Wedding this weekend -- I'm enjoying the humor of your interview and the blurb.
Vivant, Thanks for coming by. Branded is a new EC line. I'd hoped Stormy Wedding would be the first in the line, but a few other authors beat me to it. I hope you like it.
I love the idea behind this series and your book! My husband and I have been married for almost 22 years now, and I can honestly say that we have better sex now then when we were young and carefree. I think it's because we trust each other so much and are so comfortable with each other and ourselves.
Yeah, The Rock is pretty dang sexy isn't he? Yowza:) Oh, and I LOVE Last of the Mohicans-- it's actually a very romantic movie!
Thank you, Brenda. Romance novels take us back to the excitement of new love, but there is something to be said for the comfort of old love.
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