Monday, January 10, 2011

Winter Writing Festival

Calling all writers! Do you have writing goals you'd like to accomplish this winter? A NaNo book to complete or revise? A deadline looming? This winter (starting TODAY and running through the end of February) the Ruby Slippered Sisterhood blog is hosting a Winter Writing Festival. (Yeah, it's the WWF! Author Deathmatch!)

Set your own goals, according to what you hope to accomplish, participate in writing sprints and win pleasure books, craft books, or one of several 25 page critiques (including one from yours truly, which has a disclaimer that I am a tough cookie, so it won't be a hearts and flowers critique).

Where, are you asking, do you go for this awesomeness? Visit the Ruby Writing Festival website to read the guidelines, register as a participant, and dive into writing challenges today! Good luck and happy writing!

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