Wednesday, March 30, 2011

I'm Back in the US of A!

(And yeah, I've been singing that title to the tune of Back in the USSR all day.)

I have returned from the Far East! The trip was amazing and intriguing. I had fun, learned fascinating things about a very different culture, and came back wonderfully exhausted (and thoroughly jet-lagged). I'll post travel gossip and pictures! pictures! pictures! in the next couple days (just as soon as I've gotten myself some semblance of caught up and managed to convince my body that night-is-day and day-is-night again).

In the mean time, I'm taking nominations for the next place I should visit - Peru? More Asian Adventures? Sub-Saharan Africa?

And I would like to extend a big ole THANK YOU to the blog-sitters who visited while I was away! Hope y'all had fun with them.

1 comment:

Vivant said...

Welcome back to the US, back to the US, back to the US of A! And now I will have that song running through my head all day too. Good thing I like it. :)

spamword = sausigma. An enigmatic sausage? The sum of all sausages?