Sunday, November 29, 2009

New Moon Smackdown

I love Mrs. Giggles.

I've read the entire Twilight saga. (And, yes, I think "saga" is the appropriate word to describe it. With all its melodramatic overtones.) I went to see the original Twilight movie where I snickered at the less-than-magical glitter on Edward's so-absolutely-not-human-no-way-no-how-he-doesn't-look-just-like-a-human-with-glitter-noooo face. So yeah, movie #1 was... erm... less than moving. But I enjoyed its camp with unabashed glee.

Then New Moon came out and the became The Biggest Movie in the Whole Entire History of the Universe Bar None Oh My God! So I went to see that one too. I was lucky enough to be sitting next to someone who thought the film was just as snicker-worthy as I did, so I was not alone in my chortles of mirth at inappropriate moments. (Like when Bella falls down in the forest and simply cannot bring herself to get her stupid ass up off the evil-vampire-infested ground.)

And then today (bliss!) I tripped across Mrs. Giggles's
review of New Moon. Be Warned: Orange juice really hurts when you snort it out your nose. Learn from my mistakes and put down the oj before reading this puppy.

I know there are beaucoup Twilight fans out there ready to fillet me for my sacrilege, but I just couldn't stomach the angst level in New Moon. The paranormal world - tres cool. The actors - studly. But the melodrama... I'm sorry. I have a low threshold for melodrama.

However, I really, really enjoyed the movie-going experience. This camptastic epic was oddly satisfying. And New Moon, the movie, contained the bestest Twilight joke evah:

How does Bella Swan get to Italy to save Edward? Virgin Airways.

No, really.

So, how do you feel about the Twilight saga? Love? Hate? Guilty pleasure?

1 comment:

Vivant said...

Thanks for the no beverages warning, because I too found Mrs. Giggles review totally snortworthy:
"Seriously, Bella Swan can just die. She ruins everything. Jacob and Edward should just kill her and fall in love with each other instead."
What a stellar idea!