You know what I'm thankful for? You. You guys rock. So today, to kick off the holiday season my favorite way, I'm giving stuff away. Comment on this post any time between now and Sunday at noon (pacific time) and you're entered to win. Just tell me something you're thankful for and check back on Sunday when I'll pick three winners - one of whom will get my latest release Reawakening Eden, one will get an ARC of my upcoming release Ghosts of Boyfriends Past, and the third will get a copy of my Christmas novella No Angel (tis the season!).
Thanks for my writing dreams a reality. It wouldn't be possible without you.
The Small Print: Void where prohibited. Must email me to claim your prize via email by Monday at midnight or it will be given to someone else. You can comment as many times as you like, but will only be entered one time per day (maximum 4 entries per person). Winners will be chosen randomly. Good luck and THANK YOU!
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I'm thankful for my family and friends. I'm also thankful for books and authors.
I'm very thankful for my lovely family!
I'm thankful for my husband and my kids-- but especially thankful that my teens and I have remained sane through the high school years. One is in college now and the other is a senior. Everyone is healthy and doing great!
I am thankful for my wonderful and challenging daughter! She keeps me young and sane, and I wouldn't have her any other way (well, I could do without so much eye rolling!! LOL)
Hope you had a lovely thanksgiving!
I'm thankful for friends who write awesome books that keep me up past my bedtime.
I'm thankful for my family and friends. And we're all healthy and happy.
Thanks for the giveaway
I am thankful for my family. I am also thankful for finding other readers like me that love to read. It's nice to know I'm not alone! Thanks for the awesome giveaway.
I am thankful I am healthy and am close to my family.
Oh, I could have been entering everyday! Can I enter two more times today to get my total 4 entries? I just don't know (you should read that sentence with lots of confusion). Thanks again for the giveaway! jepebATverizonDOTnet
I'm thankful for my wonderful family and for the chance to gather with family members who live far away.
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