Reawakening Eden is OUT NOW!!! (<-- I'm using up my lifetime allotment of exclamation points. Yeah. I'm just that excited.)

Librarian Eden Fairfax knows exactly where to find books about survival. None of them mentioned how to manage in the aftermath of a worldwide epidemic—with two young orphans in tow.
On a journey south to warmer climes, she finds sanctuary for all three of them among a community of survivors in Seattle. Until she realizes the children are the centerpiece of their bizarre new religion. There’s no choice but to run as far and as fast as her stolen car will go.
Former Army Ranger Connor Reed had planned to live out the end of the world in peace. Yet he can’t stand by and do nothing while a lone woman defends two children from an armed thug. Even if doing something means taking the trio in.
Eden’s not sure if the armed hermit is her salvation or an even more dangerous threat. A blizzard forces her to trust him with their lives, and in Connor’s arms she remembers what it’s like to live.
Just beyond the edge of the storm, though, the cult leader awaits his chance to get his hands on the children—and make Eden his next sexual sacrifice.
Warning: This book contains a strong, silent action-hero, a tough, tenacious heroine, a pair of steal-your-heart kids, and a pony-sized dog named Precious.
Read an Excerpt. Buy from Samhain :: Kindle :: Nook
Today, in the usual release festivities, I'll be dropping by the Samhain Cafe (though it'll be late afternoon EST since I'm currently in sunny Honolulu for the holidays with my family and the time zones don't play nice out here in the middle of the Pacific). Join me there for some excerpts of Reawakening Eden and all the End o' the World chat you can handle.
Also today, you can find me at the Ruby Slippered Sisterhood blog where I'm chatting about the inherent optimism involved in falling in love when the world as you know it is gone (and giving away a copy of Reawakening Eden to one lucky commenter).
Happy release day, and thanks for the earworm!
Thank you! I'll be singing about the end of the world all day. It just seems festive somehow. ;)
Yes. Earworm. Grrr.
Also, you have no idea how happy I was when Amazon told me they took my money an gave me your book. I read the first paragraph and I'm hooked!! But, I'm not allowing myself to read more until I finish some edits. I like torturing myself.
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