Friday, January 6, 2012

Ghostly Good News & Giveaway!

Guess what, boys and girls? Long & Short Reviews gave Ghosts of Boyfriends Past Four Stars!

"The cast of characters were a delight."Check out the full review.

This novella (of the hefty novella variety that sometimes masquerades as a thin novel) is not yet available in stores (coming January 17th!), but I'm so excited that today through Sunday, I'm giving away TWO advanced copies of Ghosts of Boyfriends Past to lucky commenters.

"Once you read this cute story, you'll never think of Valentine's Day the same again. And if you've ever stated that you were cursed, that may be nothing compared to Biz Marks. Want a little ghostly humor in your romance? Readers will find all that and more in Vivi Andrews' book Ghosts of Boyfriends Past."

Sound like a prize worth winning? Just comment this weekend - tell me about your own Valentine's rituals - and you're entered to win!


Elaine G said...

Congrats on the great review.
I don't have any Valentine's Day rituals.
Thanks for the giveaway.

Brenda Hyde said...


My husband and I were married on February 18th, so Valentine's Day is always special for us. We've never had a lot of money but we always take time to buy a bottle of wine and watch a movie after the kids go to bed. Simple, but I love that we've taken the time for almost 23 years now. Oh, and I get truffles:)

Vivi Andrews said...

Brenda, that sounds very special. You've got me all warm and fuzzy feeling. :)

Elaine, you know, I haven't got any Valentine's traditions myself, though a friend of mine used to throw an anti-Valentine's party every year where there were some very peculiar party games, including pin the tail on the sacrificial goat. Good times.

Unknown said...

My husband is not into holidays. So every year I buy him the cheesiest, most obnoxious Valentine's gift I can find and pair it with the sappiest card in the Hallmark store. It drives him absolutely nuts, and I love it.

Rebe said...

Congratulations on the great review!

I love Kali's idea! We don't have any Valentine's Day rituals, but there was a year or so when we were first married that my husband gave me blue topaz earrings or necklaces for every occasion. Birthday, Valentine's Day, Christmas, Anniversary - I kid you not, I have at least 3 pairs of blue topaz earrings and 4 necklaces.


ParaJunkee said...

Your writing is great, I don't see how this novella can be any different! Congrats on the great review. About Valentine's I'm one of those bah humbug type of people and think it is all a marketing ploy to get me to spend money. But, my mother-in-law always buys us flowers LOL

SJune said...

We used to go to dinner, but now that we have a sweet little boy, our ritual is to have a homemade dinner together and my husband gets me roses and calla lilies.
Thanks for the giveaway
sjune2721 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I don't really have a Valentine's Day ritual with my significant other. For us, every day together is special, so the idea of having one day dedicated to our relationship seems odd.
We like to surprise each other with things throughout the year. So I guess really our ritual is a year long one filled with small surprises and dinners out. There's no rhyme or reason behind it. Does that make sense?


BookLover62 said...

My husband and I don't do anything special for Valentines Day, we show each other how much we love each other in so many other ways on a daily basis. It doesn't take grand gestures once or twice a year, but the little things like getting up early to make the coffee, cinnamon rolls on the weekends, letting me sleep in on Saturdays, getting the kids to school when I'm sick...
It's the little things....


Isis M. Nocturne said...

My Valentine's Day ritual is to prep for my birthday, which is 2 days later. :)

Congrats on your great review!

StacieD said...

Congrats on the new book! I honestly don't know what I will be doing for Valentine's Day this year. It will be my first V-Day post divorce. I know it will be a helluva lot more fun than last year! I will start my own tradition. Maybe turn it into an Independence Day celebration instead. ;-)

Geishasmom73 AT yahoo DOT com

Arlene Hittle said...

I wish I had some V-day rituals, like sending myself flowers. But I don't -- and the Boyfriend is notoriously unromantic. I'm usually working that day, anyway.

Ahittle90 at gmail dot com

Mrs. Missive said...

No rituals that can be dicussed publicly. ;p

Hubs and I just spend the night at home. With some great takeout to enjoy once the kidlets are in bed.

Can't wait to read this one!

Mrs dot missive at gmail dot com