Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Winter Wonderland - Writer's Edition

Winter in Alaska means we have an abundance of two things - cold and dark. (And this year we also have an abundance of snow. Woot!) But the great thing about Alaskan winters is that it's the perfect time to hunker down, batten down the hatches, curl up under a pile of blankets with a giant mug of hot cocoa and write until spring. Which is why the Winter Writing Festival is so perfectly timed for me.

That's right, boys and girls of the writerly persuasion, it's time for the Ruby blog's version of NaNo: The Winter Writing Festival - a seven week writing frenzy where you set your goals and we whip encourage you to meet them with sprints and check-ins and prizes, oh my! (Yeah, the initials are WWF and that's because we're putting the SMACKDOWN on winter laziness, beeyotches!)

Wanna play? Head on over to the WWF site HERE and register to participate (totally free). Then check back tomorrow when the chat room opens for sprints and the Ruby blog is open for Goals, Goals, Goals! (I'm mildly obsessed with goals. As evidenced by my copious quantities of To Do lists and the fact that I've been fantasizing lately about buying a new day planner. Organization is my crack.)

And speaking of crack... you know what else gets me giddier than kids on Christmas? SNOW! We have so freaking much this year. It's brilliant (and makes my shoveling muscles ache just thinking about it). A few weeks back I posted about a multi-day power outage we had, accompanied by a mega-snowstorm - including some pictures. Well... we've had a smidge more snow. Observe:


So in celebration of all things Winter and Snow, I'm giving away another signed print copy of SERENGETI SINS (which includes Serengeti Storm, which includes a freak blizzard!). Just comment here for a chance to win.


Unknown said...

Is it wrong that all I want to do when I see that picture is toss my child off your deck and see if he disappears? I'd bundle him up first of course.
Maybe I'll go shovel a pile of snow, toss him in and let him play for a while. Tire him out so I can go check out the WWF.

Elaine G said...

wow that's a lot of snow.I hope we don't get nearly as that this year.
Good luck with The Winter Writing Festival.


StacieD said...

I just moved from Chicago to Seattle in order to escape blizzards. We had a horrible blizzard last February and I promised myself it would be the last. What I love about Seattle is that I only have to drive to the mountains if I want to visit the snow.

geishasmom73 AT yahoo DOT com

Unknown said...

Awesome snow!! I am so signing up for WWF! whooot this will be the first thing I have done like this :)

barbara said...

That is a lot of snow. Always beautiful to see, IF you don't have to shovel it. :)

Thanks for the giveaway!

bimmergrlmd at gmail dot com