Friday, January 1, 2010

2009: Year of Awesome

Happy New Year!

Okay, so I know 2009 wasn't great for everyone, but it rocked pretty hard for me. I had my first story published in ebook and then in print. I actually started making money for my writing and I quit my day job (though the two aren't precisely related - I'm still a little fish in the writing pond). My second novella and first full length novel also hit the virtual shelves - proving that first one wasn't a total fluke. I won the Golden Heart (which was freaking surreal) and reviewers & readers seem to be liking my stories for the most part. So 2009? Year of Awesome, baby.

Can 2010 live up to the precedent 2009 has set? I don't know, but it looks pretty darn good so far. Serengeti Storm is coming out in less than two weeks and so far y'all seem almost as super-psyched as I am. In April, the Shifting Dreams print antho comes out AND the next Karmic Consultants debaucle, The Sexorcist, hits ereaders. After that, keep an eye out for Serengeti Lightning to continue the lion-shifter saga later this year AND... well, I'm not exactly sure what AND, but I do know, for absolute certain, that there will be an AND. I'm going to make that AND happen.

Better get my butt in gear. That AND is waiting on me.

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