Tuesday, January 5, 2010

One Week Til Serengeti Storm! ...and WTF?

Let the countdown begin! We are now one, yes ONE, week away from the ebook release of Serengeti Storm, the second lion-shifter novella. Can I get a woohoo, people?

In the grand tradition of releases, there will be guest blogs & interviews... there might be a giveaway or two... and there will be much squeeing and gushing here at the blog. Consider yourself warned.

And in completely unrelated news...

The rules of what you can and cannot take onto airplanes have reached a new level of weird (aka epic stupidity). Check out the funny: http://januarymagazine.com/2010/01/books-banned-on-canada-us-flights.html No books? This is a joke right? You're punking me. I get it. Ha-ha-ha. No? Seriously? Wow. That's... so ludicrous I can't even put it into words. I think there isn't more of an uproar because who would believe anyone would actually indulge that level of idiocy?

On the plus side? They don't appear to be banning electronics... so don't forget your Kindle. Much less aircraft-threatening than paper, doncha know.



Yay! And who would want to read on a long flight anyhow, what with all the other fun things to do? Ping pong. Marco Polo. Bikini wax. Reading...from a book? It's just un-American.

Vivi Andrews said...

Oh WOW. Kel, I love you. Next time I'm flying, I'm totally trying out Marco Polo. LOL.

Beth said...

Do they really want a bunch of planes full of bored passengers? That sounds really stupid to me.