Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Double Down with The Sexorcist

So today I was sitting gazing at the Sony Pocket Ereader (okay, technically I was gazing at the box) that I'll be giving away at the end of the month. I decided we need more chances for folks to win. So yes, you can still enter by answering the questions FOUND HERE, but now I'm adding a new opportunity - a way to enter again and double your chances.

If you happen to buy The Sexorcist and you just so happen to want a shiny new Sony Pocket Ereader, then email a copy of your receipt to contest@viviandrews.com with "ereader" in the subject line. And all you have to do is cc heart@viviandrews.com to add to the donation total that I'll be sending to the Children's Heart Foundation.

And in case you're curious how I first learned about CHF & what they do, you can check out my blog over at the Ruby site today.

I'm going to be at the RT Booklovers Convention in Columbus for the next few days, so if I seem a little frazzled and scatterbrained, please have patience with me. And fear not! The blog party marches on... Neither rain, nor sleet, nor massive conventions of readers, authors, and industry pros shall stop this fiesta!


Booksrforever123 said...

love the cover of the Sexorcist a I think it's great that you are helping out that children's organization.

Vivi Andrews said...

Thanks! The cover gods smiled on me. :) And it's a great organization.