Tuesday, April 20, 2010

MARY HUGHES: What Kind of Reader Are You? Quiz!

Hello, booklovers! Today we are joined by the fabulous Ms. Mary Hughes. Now, those of you who have been to the blog before may know I have a slight (obsessive) fangirl crush on Mary. And since I interviewed her once before, I figured it was only fair to ask her to jump through different hoops this time. Mary's latest Biting Love vampire romance romp, Biting Me Softly (the arms, good Lord, the arms!) is out today from Samhain. (Woohoo!) And now, I shall hand it over to our guest goddess. Welcome, Mary! (Applause!)

Thanks so much, Vivi, for having me here today!

I love those little “What kind of chocolate monster are you”-style quizzes, and thought it might be fun to try my hand at one. Keep in mind this is totally subjective and without scientific basis. Though there’s scoring, no bias is implied toward any category.

I tried to find a non-value rating system but the closest I have at the moment is hash marks. Add up the hashes to find a category.

Note: No bunnies were harmed in the making of this quiz.
  1. When you look for a read, you’re looking for
    a. A good story – 4 hashes
    b. A great story – 3 hashes
    c. A solid story built in nearly-perfect fashion – 2 hashes
    d. A story that excites you personally – 5 hashes
  2. You need to tell everyone when you find what kind of book?
    a. A great book – 2 hashes
    b. A wonderful book – 5 hashes
    c. A POS-awful book – 3 hashes
    d. It doesn’t matter, I need to tell everyone the best of every book – 4 hashes
    e. One or two movers-and-shakers – 1 hash
  3. You read
    a. Everything and anything – 3 hashes
    b. Your favorite autobuy authors and a few new ones if they look good – 5 hashes
  4. You try to
    a. Find the best in what you read – 4 hashes
    b. Find the worst in what you read – 3 hashes
    c. Find structure in what you read – 1 hash
    d. Just read—unless something breaks your suspension of disbelief, then you throw the book ☺ – 5 hashes
  5. When you find a great new author, you love to
    a. Abstract the story into a few sparkling sentences – 2 hashes
    b. Tell just the right person – 1 hash
    c. Turn all your friend onto her – 3 hashes
    d. You prefer to know your friends’ tastes, and recommend just the right author – 4 hashes
  6. Nothing good was written after
    a. Shakespeare – 1 hash
    b. 1940 – 2 hashes
    c. Great new authors are popping up all the time – 5 hashes

Here are my totally unscientific results!

24-29 Reader—You're priceless. Without you there would be no publishing industry☺.

18-23 Reviewer—You're smart and wise, with the ability to find the best, most exciting things about a book. You pass that along to your readers, helping a story find its audience.

13-17 Critic—You're witty, clever, and primarily an entertainer at heart. The story's important but more important is how you can use it as a tool to entertain.

10-12 Judge—You're looking for a solid story, without the need to impress or excite anyone else. A Plato, measuring every story against the perfect Story Form.

0-9—You're my eighth grade English teacher!

Thank you, Mary! I can't wait to get my greedy hands on Biting Me Softly!

Well, booklovers? How did you score? I'm a Reader (AKA Certifiable Book Slut). What about you? Today, one lucky commenter will win an ebook from Mary's backlist!


Unknown said...

27! Book Sluts Unite!!

Nothing makes me more mad than my disbelief being unsuspended. I have to be careful though because 95% of my reading is done on Kindle so throwing is no longer allowed.

Sherry said...

I scored 27 I guess I'm a Book Slut.
Although I've told my friends and family that I'm a Book Whore a few times. I love to read and if I don't get to get new books I'm a mean and nasty person. I really enjoyed doing your survey it was fun.


Kate Diamond said...

I scored a 26. Huzzah!

Miss you, Vivi.

Vivant said...

28, oh my. What can I say? Books are my crack. Thanks for the fun, Mary, and happy release day!

Vivi, don't enter me in the drawing. Being a huge Mary Hughs fan, I have the complete backlist readily accessible at a moment's notice on my trusty e-reader. And I'm headed over to buy the new release RIGHT NOW.

Finally, we get Logan's story and he gets to meet his match. I love the cover, love the tagline, love the warning...and I'm going to hate having to work all day before I can start reading.


29 and I didn't even study.

Drea Becraft said...

26~~~~ I am also a book slut lol!

Mary Hughes said...

Hi, Kali! Yes, a throw-proof Kindle would be the complete book experience, wouldn't it?

Hello, Sherry! Thanks, glad you enjoyed it! No bias (much- ;) ). BS, BW...Book Lady of the Evening? What do we call guys? (My husband reads everything including cereal boxes.)

Hi, Kate! Huzzah! Thanks for playing!

Hey, Vivant! Thanks for your support and the good wishes! And your music-to-my-ears words...looking forward to reading...

Hello, Kelly! LOL, top reader score! oops, no bias...

Hi, Andrea! as Kali said, Book Sluts unite! (Can I admit I'm a 26 reader too...?)

Sweet Vernal Zephyr said...

At 21 hashes, I'm a "reviewer" and have to say I am happy with that category.

I also happen to be a friendly stalker of Ms Hughes. *waves*

mdwartistry at yahoo dot com

Mary Hughes said...

(Waves back) Hey, M...can we use real names? I mean Sweet Vernal Zephyr. Ooh, my very first stalker! I've made it now (grin).

I have nothing but *awe* for reviewers. The reviewers I've seen are absolutely brilliant writers. If I had to compact a story into two paragraphs it'd look like cube-smashed cars... And without reviewers many newborn stories would never find their audiences, which would be tragic.

Beth said...

I got 29!
Great quiz Mary. Thanks.
Already have all the books except Biting Me Softly.(have to wait for payday)

Mary Hughes said...

Hi, rtfgvb775! Thanks for your nice comment!

Anonymous said...

I scored 27. Another proud Reader/ Book Slut to add to the list. I enjoyed the quiz, those are always fun to take.

Mary Hughes said...

Hey Beth! Thanks so much for your support! and I hear you about payday...

Mary Hughes said...

Hi, Leni! Whatever they're called, readers are priceless. (I'd still like to know what we're calling guy readers, though :) ) Glad you enjoyed the quiz!

Armenia said...

I scored 27. I'm a Book Slut and proud of it! My shelfs are overflowing and I can't seem to give any away. Its become my favorite thing to do.*wink*

Nancy G said...

I scored a 29 (I think)which certifies me (I should be certified) as an uber reader. If it has words and a decent storyline, I will read it. (Please don't enter me in the contest-I have all of Mary's books already)

s7anna said...

points = 27 = READER

I'm a book slut...what can I say? I love to read and am unapologetic about it. I'm a shameless promoter of romances and am always looking for fellow romance lovers. I'll skimp on groceries if it means that I can buy more books...which I pretty much do all the time...


Mary Hughes said...

Hi, Armenia! That sounds so familiar! My husband's side of the bed has stacks I trip over. Thanks for taking the quiz!

Hey, Nancy! Thanks so much for your support, and stopping by for the quiz. *Uber* reader, I like!

Hello, Anna! LOL, yes! For the kids' birthdays we would take them to the bookstores and then out to eat. If we had a tight month they had to choose--and they always went for the books!

Carly said...

Hmm, I got Reviewer. I think I need to be more vocal with my favorite books to friends, lol.

Cathy M said...

That was fun! Let's here it for another book slut.

Mary Hughes said...

Hi, Carly! New career, LOL?

Hello, Cathy! I'm so glad you enjoyed the quiz!

Dana said...

I got 25, I'm a reader.

Beth aka Scifibookcat said...

26! I'm an obsessive compulsive reader who needs to share good books with everybody (though I do check to see if they like paranormal books before refering those). Give me great characters and an interesting story and I can overlook any number of small flaws in plotting, etc, but spelling and grammar errors will snap me out of the story.

Elaine G said...

I scored 27 - Reader

Karin said...

Oh goodness. There were a few tough decisions on that one because I read differently dependent on what I'm reading. When I think about what I'm reading for myself, I get a 25, when I think about what I'm reading for other purposes (reviewing, critically analyzing for school) then I get a 19.

Mary Hughes said...

Hi, Dana! Thanks for taking the quiz, hope you enjoyed it!

Hello, Beth! Obsessive-compulsive reader--I love that! I need great characters too. What do you think of the trend toward reduced punctuation?

Hi, Elaing8! Thanks for taking the quiz! Hope you enjoyed it too!

Hello Karin! Well I have to admit I fashioned the quiz with what I pictured as my ideal of every type, ideal reader, ideal reviewer etc. Sounds like I would love to have you as a teacher! Hope you enjoyed the quiz!