Sunday, February 1, 2009

Day One: The Gigolo Contest!

It's February! Yes, indeed, ladies and gentlemen... *Drumroll please*

It's Tickle My Fantasy Month!

The month when all four delightful paranormal romantic comedies comprising Samhain's Tickle My Fantasy Anthology will be released! Woohoo! TMF Month means fabulous new releases, funny Valentine's free reads, and the launch of the Gigolo Contest!!!

What, you may ask, dear reader, is a Gigolo Contest? No, I am not asking you to send me your gigolos so I can judge them on their respective merits (though the idea did cross my dirty little mind). So why is it called a Gigolo Contest? Well, my debut novella, The Ghost Shrink, the Accidental Gigolo & the Poltergeist Accountant is coming out this month, and the prize for one lucky winner of this contest is the Gigolo Kit, filled with incense, scented candles, flavored massage oils, and other naughty gigolo accessories.

How do you enter? Post a comment on the blog! Every day I'll post a question or survey, just drop by with your thoughts and you're automatically entered to win!

Can you enter more than once? Absolutely! Every comment (up to one per person per day) will count as a new entry into the contest! You can comment more often than that, but only the first entry per day will be counted. So, as they say in Chicago, "Vote early; vote often." Increase your own chances to win!

The contest runs through March 1st. The Gigolo Kit Winner will be drawn and announced here on the blog on Monday, March 2nd. Happy posting!
TMF Month Kickoff Question: In honor of Superbowl Sunday, what is your favorite superbowl commercial of all time?


Kaye Chambers said...

The Budweiser Donkey commercial!

Anonymous said...

Um...I don't know. I have never watched the superbowl...and well, I can't remember any of the commercials I have seen! lol

Deb said...

Okay besides Janet baring a breast. Britney pepsi commercial.

Vivant said...

One of my all time favorites is the old Coke ad where Mean Joe Green gives his jersey to a little boy. What's your favorite?

Love the Gigolo contest and the prize package. I assume it comes "Gigolo Not Included"?

Unknown said...

My favorite was from last year. The Dalmation and the Clydesdale horse. It was adorable!

Kytaira said...

I don't watch the superbowl either, however I have watched many of the commercials. I know Budweiser has had a bunch of great ones. I went to U-Tube and watched a bunch. One favorite is the budweiser Clydesdales playing football. Another is the Budwieser frogs. Or the FedEx guy delivering a package after years on a deserted island. The package contained GPS, satellite phone ect.

I also liked the Budweiser *Rocky* commercial with the Clydesdale and Dalmation mentioned.

brooks said...

I must agree with some of the other bloggers. The Clydesdale commercials are the best!

Vivi Andrews said...

I'm loving seeing everyone's responses! It totally brings them all back. Confession time: that's why I asked this question - I can never remember commercials without someone reminding me.

Budweiser always does good ones. I loved that one with the Dalmatian too. And Janet's unforgettable Superbowl Show... ah, the memories. And Mean Joe Green! I love it when a commercial becomes so famous that other commercials start spoofing it! :)

Dragonlady said...

I loved the bud commercial with the yound horses vs. the older ones. I laughed so hard I almost peed. ;) Age and treachey will always overcome youth and skill.

Anonymous said...

I usually don't watch the superbowl, but I do see the commercials on the net. My faves are the Budweiser ones.

memi said...

The Budweiser (not surprisingly) Chicken crossing the road commercial.

A close second was the high speed internet commercial that played the AOL sign in sound four about 25 second. Brilliant.