Monday, February 16, 2009

Twas the Night Before Release Day...

...and all through the house, the newbie author was freaking the hell out.

I have a love/hate relationship with Eves. Christmas, New Year's... the night before birthdays, the night before a big test or a new job... it's always the same. Eves slay me. I'm a twitchy mass of eagerness. I can't think about anything but the next day (which is vexing for a Live-in-the-Now kind of person). I can't sleep. I forget to eat. I live on anticipation alone. I don't like waiting, but I love anticipation. I hate the anxiety, but I love the possibilities. While it is still Christmas Eve, anything could happen on Christmas. The possibilities are endless, and they keep me up nights - dreaming and hoping and worrying.

Today, I ask you, my Gigolo confederates: What is your favorite Twas the Night Before memory? The eve of your wedding? A midnight kiss when you couldn't wait for the new year? What eve stands out?


Vivant said...

A favorite image from my early childhood is the year when the one Christmas gift I was allowed to open on Christmas Eve was the football helmet I had begged for, and my parents took a photo of me in my blue and white carol choir robe and my red football helmet. (Hmm, very patriotic.) And since the boundless possibility of Christmas morning was ahead, there was still a chance that I would wake up and find a pony in my back yard. Sadly, the pony never materialized...but it didn't keep me from dreaming!

Anonymous said...

As cheesey or lame as it sounds, the night before my wedding. As much as I joke around about the fact that the only reason I got married was to get rid of my impossible to spell last name, I couldn't wait to be a wife! *duck* any feminists out there?? Anyways, I couldn't wait to be joined to my husband. It was exciting and overwhelming.
Of course the night before xmas when I was a kid was always a big deal! I hated surprises, and I always wanted to know what I was getting! I have to admit I was a pretty good guesser!
Happy Almost Release Day!

Vivi Andrews said...

Thanks, Natasha!

And I don't think it's anti-feminist at all to be excited about getting married. It sure beats dread as a night-before-nuptials sensation. Did you sing "I'm Getting Married in the Morning" or am I the only one who thinks show tunes were designed for all occassions and tends to burst into song at random moments?

Anonymous said...

LOL no, no show tunes for me....although I remember humming some Elvis (we got married in Vegas! :D )

Kytaira said...

There are 3 night before's that stick in my mind. Two good, one bad and all were the night before Christmas. One was when I was fairly young. I knew Santa was my parents but my younger sibs had started questioning. Santa came to our house when we went to church on Christmas Eve. We walked to church and on this Christmas my parents arranged with me to run back home and pull out the gifts. My sibs were suspecting it was Mom and Dad so when they never left, The sibs were really confused.

The next one again had me pulling out the gifts but it was because my Mom and Grandma were in an accident on Christmas Eve. They both eventually were alright but were in the hospital for awhile.

The last one was Christmas Eve 91. We went to church. Then friends came over. Nothing out of the ordinairy. A coupld of pictures to show how big I was since I was due in a week. The evening comes into focus though because I went into labor a couple of hours later. My first was born on Christmas Day.

Unknown said...

The night before my trip to Germany, I was so excited to get to travel that far, it was for work but I still was able to do some sight seeing