It's Lincoln's B-day! Old Abe's been getting a lot of press these days, what with Obama in the White House and everyone going on and on about Lincoln's legacy. From the way people are talking, the US has only had two presidents of note: Lincoln & Obama. What about Roosevelt (both of 'em), Wilson, Kennedy and Reagan? Jefferson and Washington and Grant, oh my!
Today's Gigolo Contest Question is taking a historical perspective: Who's your favorite Prez, living or dead? If you aren't American, then who's your favorite international political leader?
Being the Prez...the best/worst job in the U.S. What kind of person would sign up for that?
I liked Bill Clinton. I even touched him once upon a time, but just his hand (I might have been drooling at the time). Hilary could have been with him, but I was focused on him. What can I say, I was young.
Some other favorites...FDR, JFK, LBJ, Truman, I liked IKE, and all for different reasons. They did good things and bad things. Wish we could take the best things from each and make the perfect president.
I do hope Obama will live up to the hype and be the best, but he's inherited a big mess.
Uh, well being Canadian.... Hmmm I agree with Kelly, I did enjoy Bill Clinton. I think he did a good job and really? how does him getting a BJ affect him as a politician? lol
Um, Honestly, I do not pay enough attention to politics to be able to answer this in an educated manner.
I would have to say my favorites are those who have had the vision and courage to bring a new perspective, particularly in ways that ultimately helped people become more open-minded and compassionate human beings. Some presidents, like Jimmy Carter, have done more of that AFTER their presidency than they ever did while in office. I have high hopes that Obama will prove to be as much a visionary leader as FDR or JFK, and I love that he is so articulate. But when it comes to creating a simple, powerful, moving message, it would be hard to top Lincoln.
LOL - yeah, poor Clinton. His legacy as a sex-machine lives on even though people can't seem to remember what else he did in that office.
My favs are the founding fathers - particularly Jefferson. I really love the vision and eloquence that characterized our leaders before everything was polls and packaging for sound bytes.
I liked Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton.
I would have to say honest Abe, when I was in elementary school and I was learning about Abe, I told my mother that I really missed him so it must have made a big impact on me. I'm still teased about that to this day
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